Artist Statement
Through composition, structure, and form, this body begins to explore childhood, upbringing, and ethnicity in modern American culture. The separation between the past and present, as well as the customs and relations maintained and lost, present the pretext for the arrived finish appropriate for each work. This work is derived from the rich history involved in figurative painting. Specifically I am interested in the late work of Philip Guston, Balthus, Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff, Frank Auerbach, Rufino Tamayo, Romare Bearden, Larry Rivers and the figurative aspects of Grayson Perry’s ceramics.
- Michael Gwozdz
- 292 4th Street
- Troy, NY
- 518.590.6139
- mgwozdz@gmail.com
- Education
- Montserrat College of Art BFA
- Burren College of Art
- Exhibitions
- Michael Gwozdz Carmens Cafe, Troy, NY
- Michael Gwozdz SLCA, Sand Lake, NY
- New Work Salem Art Works, Salem, NY
- Becoming Historical Fenimore Gallery, Schenectady, NY
- Natura Ludzka: New and Recent work by Michael Gwozdz Feast Gallery, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Michael Gwozdz:NOSTALGIA Romaine Brooks Gallery, Albany, NY
- Contemporary | Abstract Exhibition 2024 The Arts Center, Dover, NH
- Fence Select Arts Center of the Capital Region, Troy, NY
- Michael Gwozdz and Renata Memole Carmens Cafe, Troy, NY
- Passages A.D. Gallery, UNCP, Pembroke, NC
- Fence Select Arts Center of the Capital Region, Troy, NY
- 75th Mohawk Hudson Regional Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, NY
- Fence Select Arts Center of the Capital Region, Troy, NY
- Small Works Proximity, Cleveland, OH
- Upstate Figurative Fulton St Gallery, Troy, NY
- Fence Select Arts Center of the Capitol Region, Troy, NY
- Re-Arting Troy The Atrium, Troy, NY
- Fence Select Arts Center of the Capitol Region, Troy, NY
- Show of Strength RCAC Student/Faculty Gallery, Troy, NY
- People's Choice UAG Gallery, Albany, NY
- Mohawk Hudson Regional Albany Airport Gallery, Albany, NY
- Gwozdz/Memole Abandoned Storefront Arts Project, Troy, NY
- Gender Gap Romaine Brooks Gallery, Albany, NY
- The Great Art Makeout The Great Art Space, Troy, NY
- Erotica Romaine Brooks Gallery, Albany, NY
- The Great Art Faire Troy, NY
- Small Works UAG Gallery, Albany, NY
- Untitled I:Young Artists, New Perspectives Space 360, Hudson, NY
- Figurative Works UAG Gallery, Albany, NY
- Peoples Choice UAG Gallery, Albany, NY
- All Senior Show Montserrat Gallery, Beverly, MA
- Bad Handwriting Senior Thesis, 301 Gallery, Beverly, MA
- Nasad Montserrat Exhibit Montserrat, Beverly, MA
- Regional BFA Exhibition Boston University, Boston, MA
- Con/Text Burren Collage Undergraduate Show, Ballyvaughn, Ireland
- Renegade I Beverly, MA
- Awards
- Art on Lark Peoples Choice Winner
- Will & Elena Barnet Painting & Drawing Award
- George Gabin Scholarship
- Dean's Highest Honors
- Montserrat Open House Award
- Dean's Highest Honors
- Foundation Merit Award
- Dean's Highest Honors
- Teaching
- Instructor, Arts Center of the Capitol Region